愛の告白に大失敗した高校生、訊太郎。 彼の災難は続き、ニュースで話題の性転化病を発症してしまう。性別が逆転し、銀髪美少女に変貌した彼は、ショックのあまりVRゲームで現実逃避を計ることにした……。 現実と同じ少女姿でプレイしてしまい、他のプレイヤーからはゴミスキルと言われている錬金術を、ひたすら極めていく訊太郎(じんたろう)。 『傭兵となって、戦う、奪う、支配する、探索する、開拓する、生産する、その生き方は自由』と謳われたクラン・クランのゲーム世界で、彼は様々な傭兵(プレイヤー)と出会い、ほっこりと成長していく。 そんな訊太郎は、一緒にゲーム内で遊ぶリア友たちに自分の姿をバグだと言い張り、現実で美少女になってしまったことを秘密にしながら冒険するのであった。 夏休みが終われば、学校で顔を合わせることになるのに。 これは、いずれ軍閣クラスや国家クラスの傭兵団を相手に、一歩も引けを取らない『戦争』をやり遂げてみせる、錬金術士のお話。 一介の男子高校生が突如、美少女化してしまうと果たしてどうなるのだろうか。 答えはヒキコモリ、廃ネトゲーマー。 The story follows the High-schooler Futsu Jintarou, whose confession was rejected by his crush. His misfortune continues, as news of a gender-change disease turns Jintarou into a beautiful silver haired girl. The shock of it causes him (her) to try to escape from reality by playing the VRMMO, Clan/Clan… His game character Taru uses the same girl appearance as in the Real and the Alchemy skill, which most players call a trash skill. He meets lots of fellow adventurers, and becomes stronger within the game world of Clan/Clan’s slogan, ‘When one becomes an adventurer, they can fight, steal, control, explore, invent, create, and do anything as they like’. He meets a wide variety of adventurers that help him(her) grow, Taro hides what happened to his(her) appearance as a bug to his friends who also play the game, and hides the fact that he(she) had become a girl in real life. When summer break is over, he(she) will have to show their face at school. This is about one of the best National-class adventurers, the story of the Alchemist who won a war without even taking a single step. When a normal high school student suddenly turns into a beautiful girl, what would they do? The answer is to that is to become an online games’ addict!