1867年、京都——幕末の雄・坂本龍馬は倒幕の密談中、凶刃に倒れた……はずだった! その実、裏にうごめく謎の集団の“秘力”によって龍馬は再生。 その集団こそ、勝海舟の密命を受けた秘密機関“捜龍隊”だったのだ……。 In 1867, Kyoto. Ryoma Sakamoto who is a hero at the end of Edo era, had been killed during his secret conversation. However, a mystery group made him revive by magic. The group, actually, is the secret association “Soryu-tai” that Kaishu Katsu directs. Their mission is to find “Ryuzu” that scattered all over Japan which make the one obtain them to be a great king, taking them back from bad guys and to propitiate their power. The time is limited for a year: this is a story of new Edo adventure that revived Ryoma would change the history!